Formats and features

Allinpdf currently supports 74 file formats and is expanding its service to support more file types.
Please refer to the list below for the supported file formats and the service details.

Extension Description PDF JPG PNG GIF TIFF
DOC Microsoft Word Binary File Format
DOCX Microsoft Word Open XML Document
RTF Rich Text Format
DOT Microsoft Word Document Template File
DOTM Microsoft Office Open XML Format Template with Macros Enabled
DOCM Word Open XML Macro-Enabled Document
DOTX Word Open XML Document Template
PPT Microsoft PowerPoint
PPTX Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 XML
PPS PowerPoint Slide Show
PPSX PowerPoint Open XML Slide Show
PPSM Microsoft Office Open XML Format Presentation Slide Show with Macros Enabled
PPTM PowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Presentation
POTX Microsoft Office Open XML Format Presentation Template
POTM Microsoft Office Open XML Format Presentation Template with Macros Enabled
POT PowerPoint templates files
THMX PowerPoint 2007 Theme/Template
XLS Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
XLSX Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet
XLSB Excel Binary Workbook Format
XLTX Excel Open XML Spreadsheet Template file
XLTM Excel Open XML Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet Template
XLT Microsoft Excel 97 to 2003 workbook template
CSV Comma Separated Values File
PRN Printer Text File
DIF Microsoft Excel Data Interchange Format
SLK Microsoft Excel Symbolic Link Format
VSD Microsoft Visio Drawing File
ODT OpenDocument Text Document
ODP OpenDocument Presentation File
ODS OpenDocument Spreadsheet
TXT Raw text file
PDF Portable Document Format
AI Adobe Illustrator Document
EPS Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
PSD Adobe Photoshop Document
HWP Hanword Document( Used only in South Korea )
GUL Hunmin Document( Used only in South Korea )
XPS Microsoft XML Paper Specification File
EPUB Electronic Publication
CBZ Compressed File format made popular by CDisplay
BMP Microsoft Windows bitmap
JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format
PNG Portable Network Graphics
TIFF Tagged Image File Format
GIF CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format
ANI GIF Animation Gif
WEBP Google Web Picture files
HTML Hypertext Markup Language with a client-side image map
HTM Hypertext Markup Language File
MHT Web page archive format used to combine in a single document
EMF Windows Metafile Format
WMF Windows Metafile Format
DWG AutoCAD Drawing Database File
DXF Drawing Exchange Format File
DWF Drawing Web Format
PLT Vector-based plotter file developed by Autodesk
DJVU DjVu image files
STL Contains data describing the layout of a three-dimensional object
PCX ZSoft Paintbrush Bitmap Image File
J2K JPEG extensions, known as JPEG2000
JP2 JPEG extensions, known as JPEG2000
J2C JPEG extensions, known as JPEG2000
JPM JPEG extensions, known as JPEG2000
JXR Image file format that offers several key improvements over JPEG, including
ICO Microsoft icon file
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics File
TGA Truevision Targa Graphic File
CR2 Canon Digital Camera Raw Image File
CRW Canon Digital Camera Raw Image Format
NEF Nikon Digital Camera Raw Image File
ORF Olympus Digital Camera Raw Image File
WBMP Wireless Bitmap Image File